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Digital Courses!

Get started by checking out these free goodies for growth. 


Big Money Magick Book of Spells

Big Money Magick


Breathe new life into your workday using this approachable magick to energetically support you in every way. Designed to be uncomplicated and joyful, these spells draw upon easily attainable ingredients and allow you to integrate magick into your everyday habits.


Inside you will find ten powerful spells to support of your business and career goals! These spells focus on the underlying energies and structure needed to consistently draw strong cash flow into your small biz life! 


Get to Work casting those spells and collecting that cash!


Hex & Spell Breaker

This Spiritual Prescription is provided to break spells, remove jinxes, or recover from witchcraft, curses, hexes & tricks. You may combine these steps with other support and practices, or perform them solo.


This prescription is ideal for situations in which Spiritual recovery is needed, either from the influence of others or the influence of unwanted energy or entities.

You are provided step by step instructions for caring for yourself energetically, spiritually and physically.


You will be assisted with a full self directed recovery on every level!


Hex & Spell Breaker Spiritual prescriptions
Manifest Blessings guided meditation

Guided Meditation

If you’re new to meditation, guided is a great way to go. 


Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts, but instead about not letting your thoughts control you. Your mind is a powerful tool, now let’s use it! 


This guided journey combines visualization and energy Work, helping you create powerful change in your thinking and in your life.  The focus is on two of the main energy currents in your body: the crown and the heart chakra. As you are ushered through energetic and mental techniques you will attract into your life more reasons and experiences which result in gratitude.

Queen of Coins Workbook

Queen of Coins uses spiritual and energetic tools t0 strengthen and expand your connection to money. This Work will rewire your thinking around the idea of money and actively create an easeful flow.


Get to Work today with this powerful combination of practical and magickal tools

to break free from money blocks once and for all! 



Queen of Coins Money workbook for financial abundance

Want to create even more financial wellness?

Check out the full Queen of Coins Workshop 

to gain fun & potent spiritual, energetic &

practical tools! 


Queen of Coins Money Wellness and Financial Abundance workshop

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magickal tips,

tricks and insights?

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